Instructor Submissions from 2014
Biblical Hermeneutics, Kenneth J. Archer Dr.
Accounting Internship, Christopher M. Fairchild
Accounting Internship, Christopher M. Fairchild
Accounting Internship, Christopher M. Fairchild
Advanced Accounting: Acquisitions & Consolidations, Christopher M. Fairchild
Advanced Accounting: Framework & Special Reporting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Managerial Cost Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Not-For-Profit Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Pre-Intermediate Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Pre-Intermediate Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Portfolio/Capstone, Saied Farisi
Intermediate Accounting I, William Hahn
Intermediate Accounting II, William Hahn
Financial Statement Analysis, Steelman Library
LIFE OF CHRIST, Steelman Library
Introduction to the Bible, Cedrick D. Valrie
Auditing, Natasha Ware
Federal Taxation I, Natasha Ware
Instructor Submissions from 2013
Hermeneutics, Margaret Alminana
Biblical Hermeneutics, Kenneth J. Archer Dr.
Biblical Hermeneutics, Kenneth J. Archer Dr.
Intro to the Bible, Melissa Archer
Biblical Hermeneutics, Camilla Belfon
Accounting Internship, Christopher M. Fairchild
Accounting Internship, Christopher M. Fairchild
Advanced Accounting: Acquisitions & Consolidations, Christopher M. Fairchild
Advanced Accounting: Framework & Special Reporting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Not-For-Profit Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Not-For-Profit Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Pre-Intermediate Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Pre-Intermediate Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Special Topics in Accounting: Advanced Accounting Case Study, Christopher M. Fairchild
Intermediate Accounting I, William Hahn
Introduction to the Bible, Samuel Hemby
Financial Statement Analysis, Steelman Library
Life of Christ, Steelman Library
Introduction to the Bible, Cedrick D. Valrie
Life of Christ, Paul N. Van der Laan
Accounting Information Systems, Natasha Ware
Auditing, Natasha Ware
Federal Taxation II, Natasha Ware
Instructor Submissions from 2012
Hermeneutics, Margaret Alminana
Introduction to the Bible, Margaret Alminana
Introduction to the Bible, Melissa Archer
Introduction to the Bible, Charles Dawes
Federal Taxation II, Brian Dowis
Pre-Intermediate Accounting, Brian Dowis
Accounting Information Systems, Christopher M. Fairchild
Advanced Accounting: Framework & Special Reporting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Managerial Cost Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Life of Christ, William C. Hackett Jr
Forensic Accounting, William Hahn
Intermediate Accounting I, William Hahn
Intermediate Accounting II, William Hahn
Auditing, Steelman Library
Financial Statement Analysis, Steelman Library
LIFE OF CHRIST, Steelman Library
Life of Christ, Terris Neuman
Advanced Accounting - Acquisitions and Consolidations, Ed Plastow
Introduction to the Bible, Cedrick D. Valrie
Life of Christ, Paul N. Van der Laan
Auditing, Natasha Ware
Federal Taxation I, Natasha Ware
Old Testament Survey, Gerry White
Instructor Submissions from 2011
Introduction to the Bible, Melissa Archer
Intro to the Bible, Melissa Archer
Introduction to the Bible, Michael L. Dusing
Accounting Information Systems, Christopher M. Fairchild
Managerial Cost Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Life of Christ, William C. Hackett Jr
Intermediate Accounting I, William Hahn
Auditing, Steelman Library
Financial Statement Analysis, Steelman Library
LIFE OF CHRIST, Steelman Library
Life of Christ, Steelman Library
LIFE OF CHRIST, Steelman Library
LIFE OF CHRIST, Steelman Library
Advanced Accounting - Acquisitions and Consolidations, Ed Plastow
Advanced Accounting - Framework & Special Reporting, Ed Plastow
Advanced Accounting - Framework & Special Reporting, Ed Plastow
Not-For-Proft Accounting, Ed Plastow
Life of Christ, Paul N. Van der Laan
Old Testament Survey, Gerry White
Old Testament Survey, Gerry White
Instructor Submissions from 2010
Introduction to the Bible, Camilla Belfon
Pre-Intermediate Accounting, Brian Dowis
Managerial Cost Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Life of Christ, William C. Hackett Jr
Advanced Accounting II (Acquisitions & Consolidations), Steelman Library
HERMENEUTICS, Steelman Library
Auditing, Ed Plastow
American Sign Language III, Jennifer Schneider
ASL 4, Jennifer Schneider
Hermeneutics, Gerry White
Instructor Submissions from 2009
Federal Taxation I, Brian Dowis
Accounting Information Systems, Christopher M. Fairchild
Federal Taxation II, Christopher M. Fairchild
Managerial Cost Accounting, Christopher M. Fairchild
Student Internships, Christopher M. Fairchild