Date of Award

Summer 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Debra Dean

Second Advisor

Dr. Bethany Peters

Third Advisor

Dr. Joshua Henson


This multiple case qualitative research study involved an exploration of ESG leadership in four publicly-traded Midwestern U.S. sustainability-oriented companies to determine what the process of leading ESG looks like, how sustainability leaders integrate environmental, social, and economic goals, and how an organization’s internal and external affect sustainability leadership. Numerous quantitative studies have linked prevailing behavioral leadership theories to improved financial performance outcomes for sustainability-oriented companies, but qualitative research into ESG leadership practices has been limited, creating a gap that is addressed through this study. Using a conceptual framework grounded in upper-echelon and stakeholder theories, the ESG leadership practices of an energy, manufacturing, retail, and consumer goods company were examined. The methods encompassed an analysis of published sustainability reports and supplemental ESG schedules, investor presentations, policies and procedure documents, and governing charters, and interviews with sustainability leaders, resulting in the identification of seven themes. Specifically, ESG leaders strove for integration of ESG into strategy, pursued business leader ownership of ESG, executed organizational transformation, sought different skillsets aligned with sustainable innovation, laser focused on the top ESG issues identified through a stakeholder-informed prioritization process, evolved strategy in response to a rapidly shifting environment, and expanded organizational competence and capacity by bringing the outside in. The leaders did not subscribe to a particular leadership theory but used a mix of transformational, authentic, and sustainability leadership styles to guide continuous organizational change that was incremental, radical, multi-leveled, and stakeholder driven. This research has implications for stakeholder engagement, organizational change strategies, sustainability leadership theories, and leader development.
