Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Joshua D. Henson

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Gollery

Third Advisor

Dr. Jeff Paul


The aim of this research was to determine whether the dimensions of transformational leadership predicted employee creativity, as well as whether job satisfaction strengthened this association through moderation. Findings in the existing literature exhibited mixed outcomes concerning TL’s impact on EC, requiring more empirical research. Many studies have employed moderating variables in search of potentializing a stronger relationship between TL and EC; however, no previous scholars have explored JS’s moderating capabilities between the variables. JS as a suitable strengthening variable between TL dimensions and EC is evidenced through unrelated research concerning TL’s impact on JS and JS’s impact on EC. A quantitative, nonexperimental approach with a survey methodology was curated for this research study. The sample consisted of 183 knowledge-worker employees from creativity-driven organizations. The data were collected via an electronic survey platform (SurveyMonkey) and analyzed (multiple linear regression, formal moderation, simple slope analysis) using SPSS. The findings indicated that TL’s dimension of idealized influence was the most robust statistically significant dimension to predict EC. Furthermore, employee JS moderated the relationship between II and EC at multiple standard deviation levels. The results add to the theoretical and practical implications of the literature by solidifying II’s consistency as an EC influencer, providing a fresh perspective from a new sample in North America, and breaking new ground by exploring employee JS as a moderator. These results open a new view on the criticality of II and employee JS to increase EC. Fostering such concepts can catapult businesses to capitalize on organizational innovation and sustain a competitive edge in the current volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous business landscape.
