Date of Award

Spring 2018

Document Type


Primary Advisor

Dr. Freric Rohm


This study attempts to determine if college students with sensation seeking tendencies are more likely to have entrepreneurial tendencies due to the risk involved in both entrepreneurship and thrill seeking activates. This study used a combination of the Sensation Seeking Scale and the Attitudes Towards Enterprise test to determine the correlation between physical risk taken in hobbies and taking risk in business. An online survey was sent to 350 business students at a university in Central Florida and 62 valid surveys were received and analyzed. Through calculating the correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, and t-tests, the author deducted that an individual who was classified as a sensation seeker did not always score higher on the ATE test. The correlation between the SSS and ATE tests (r=0.469) was a weak relationship. Between the SSS and ATE tests’ constructs, personal control and boredom susceptibility had the highest correlation coefficient (r=0.453) indicating moderate correlation. Within the ATE test, leadership and achievement had a strong correlation (r=0.608). The remaining constructs had a weak relationship as suggested by the data and correlation coefficient. The author also concluded that the respondent’s parental business ownership status has a moderate effect on the individual’s enterprising and sensation seeking tendencies.
