Date of Award

Fall 2015

Document Type


Primary Advisor

Dr. Erica Sirrine


International adoption has been gaining popularity since the end of the twentieth century (Selman, 2002). Throughout this increase in international adoptions, the focus has drifted away from its original goal of providing homes that are in the best interest of the children (Graff, 2008). It has become more common for international adoption agencies to conduct international adoptions as a profitable business strategy, as international adoptive parents pay an average of $40,000 for a child (MGLSD, 2012; Graff, 2008). While this is not always the case, corruption is prevalent in the system and can endanger children to trafficking and illegal adoptions (Graff, 2008). Uganda has a growing number of orphaned vulnerable children in need of homes and only recently joined in sending its children for international adoption (UNICEF, 2003). This literature review addresses how international adoption effects Uganda’s orphan care methods from both micro and macro perspectives.
