Date of Award


Document Type


Primary Advisor

Dr. Velmarie Albertini


The ongoing conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian people of present-day Israel has led to the development of reconciliation processes that influence the psyche of young Israeli and Palestinian children (Zembylas, 2007). A problem arises when these processes require a lengthy period of time. In doing so, the extended process can maintain the political status quo and thereby perpetuate a cycle of victimization, structural discrimination and nationalistic abuse, in addition to familial socialization and psychological trauma. This study explores how the reconciliation methods of the Hand-in-Hand bilingual model at the Max Rayne School in Jerusalem, Israel either perpetuate or work through (1) the cycle of victimization, (2) structural discrimination and nationalistic abuse, as well as (3) familial socialization and the psychological trauma of children in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian context. This study involves a qualitative approach utilizing an ethnographic field visit to the Max Rayne School in Jerusalem for open-ended interview sessions with representatives of the school. It was found that the model works through the cycle of victimization and familial socialization by providing open dialogue to students through an identity class. However, the model needs to include critical thinking processes to allow for psychological healing and the ability to move beyond collective thought. The reconciliation process requires a lengthy period of time and must be coupled with political and structural change in order to prevent the removal of Palestinian identity and the maintenance of Israeli-Jewish dominance.
