Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type





College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Primary Advisor

Dr. Jeremy Cummings


Although there is a large body of research on anti-racism interventions, little research has been done on participant perceptions of anti-racism interventions or the relationship between certain perceptions and other factors. This study addresses perceptions of anti-racism interventions among college students and how perceptions relate to willingness to attend interventions, aspects of religiousness, identification with all of humanity, and factors such as gender and race. The sample includes 69 undergraduate students, all of whom self-identified as Christian. Results indicate that perceptions were generally positive. It was found that reported importance of interventions, agreement with reasons for positive attitudes, and willingness to attend interventions were all positively related to each other. Reported importance of interventions was also positively related to organizational religiousness, private religious practices, and intrinsic religious orientation, while willingness was only related to intrinsic religious orientation. These results suggest a link between positive perceptions and willingness to attend interventions, as well as a distinction between measures of religiousness and their implications for perceptions and behavior. These results suggest a need for further research on how perceptions of interventions impact their effectiveness and the specific factors that lead to specific perceptions.
