Date of Award

Spring 2018

Document Type


Primary Advisor

Dr. K. Alan Snyder


This thesis is a look into how Alexander Hamilton has been portrayed on stage in the musical Hamilton: An American Musical, written by Lin-Manuel Miranda. The goal of this research is to show that this musical is not history, but rather a commentary on current culture through one of America’s favorite stories (that of the Revolution.) In this show, past figures have been used to discuss the issues of modern America, and that is now being sold as history. This has been discovered through the analysis of primary and secondary sources of the time period, as well as through a listening to and understanding of the show. Through this analysis, it can be seen that anachronism is a real and present danger in the study of history, as modern ideas influence the story being told. While historically based art can be beautiful, it is often shaped into the story writers wish to tell rather than what had occurred.
