Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Dr. Sarah Yates

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Gollery

Third Advisor

Dr. Lisa Coscia


The purpose of this study was to examine secondary teacher thriving using the PERMA well-being model. This non-experimental, quantitative survey aimed to discover secondary teachers’ well-being and how the dimensions of well-being are predictive of thriving among secondary teachers in the United States. Using a comprehensive researcher-created instrument assessing participants’ sense of thriving and PERMA well-being, the study resulted in statistically significant findings with 55 secondary teachers participating in the survey. Both sense of thriving and the dimensions of thriving were statistically significant in a one sample ttest. Demographics, such as school classifications, years of experience, and geographic locations, were statistically significant using an ANOVA analysis. Of the five dimensions of thriving, positive emotions, engagement, and positive relationships were statistically predictive of thriving in a secondary classroom. While future studies need to be completed on teacher thriving, this study provides a comprehensive instrument to examine secondary teacher thriving in the classroom.
