Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Barnett College of Ministry & Theology


Department of Christian Ministries and Religion

Primary Advisor

Dr. Mike McCrary

Second Advisor

Dr. Chris Railey

Third Advisor

Dr. Jamie Stewart


The Alabama Ministry Network has had anemic success in planting over 150 churches since 1980. However, there has still been a ten percent decline in the total number of churches due to churches closing, churches withdrawing, or churches merging. This project studies how AMN can move from addition (church planting) to multiplication (church multiplication) to avoid further regression. The Biblical literature review examines the scriptural premise to multiply. It also discovers the church planting models of Jesus, the early church, and Paul The project used mixed research methods to develop a pathway towards church multiplication within AMN in four phases. First, research on church planting efforts by nine other Assemblies of God networks similar to Alabama were studied. Second, 94 potential multiplying Pastors/Churches were identified through a set of criteria developed. Third, 256 potential multiplying communities were identified, and 67 target cities selected through a set of criteria developed. Fourth, a training retreat called Multiply Alabama was held where the potential multiplying pastors were invited. They were presented with the scriptural foundation of multiplication, exposed to multiplication models, shown the 67 target cities, and challenged to multiply within the next three years. The hope of this project is for church multiplication within AMN to occur with the collaboration of the network leadership and churches using the parent-affiliated model.

Included in

Christianity Commons
