Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Barnett College of Ministry & Theology


Department of Christian Ministries and Religion

Primary Advisor

Dr. Paul Linzey

Second Advisor

Dr. Bartel de Graner

Third Advisor

Dr. Jim P. Vigil


Many people thrive on the mission field while others seem to flounder. This includes some missionaries who must return to their home country prematurely. The correlation between flourishing and floundering for missionaries on the field is not necessarily limited to a lack of passion, biblical knowledge, effort, or even language proficiency. All missionaries need a comprehensive set of tools, and one that has been seriously neglected in missiological training is Cultural Intelligence (CQ). CQ is a modality of intelligence within the umbrella of Social Intelligence, as categorized under the Multiple Intelligence Theory. With the rapid increase of globalization, those who want to be effective are taking advantage of the multidisciplinary field of CQ. Unfortunately, the use of CQ as a missiological tool has received minimal attention within the researcher’s context. This dissertation project assesses the value of CQ as a tool to enable missionaries to engage in cross-cultural ministry and adapt to the host’s culture. The qualitative research includes a phenomenological study of Costa Rican ministry workers who serve in partnership with US missionaries. But in addition to applying CQ to the missiological enterprise, it is essential that missionaries maintain a Christ-like character and an intentional pursuit of advancing the Kingdom of God. The combination of these tools and a Christocentric focus results in the proposal of a new construct referred to here as Missiological Intelligence (MQ).
