Date of Award
Spring 2020
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
College of Education
Department of Education
Primary Advisor
Dr. Patti LeBlanc
Second Advisor
Dr. Thomas Gollery
Third Advisor
Dr. Leroy VanWhy
The purpose of this study was to examine the mathematical relationships between the individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) of academic leaders in the Florida College System and their institutions’ student success rates. Some leaders in academia have suggested that academic leaders of postsecondary institutions adopt entrepreneurial behaviors and traits in an effort to adapt to rapidly changing environments. In this descriptive study, academic leaders in the Florida College system were surveyed to determine their IEO. The researcher obtained student success rates for each institution in the Florida College System. Data were analyzed using Pearson r correlations between IEO scores of academic leaders who responded to the survey (president, vice-president, academic dean, or other) and institutional student success rates to determine whether significant correlations existed between IEO and student success rates. Linear regression was also conducted to determine whether IEO was a predictor of student success. The results indicated that the average IEO scores of the Florida College System leaders was high; however, no significant relationships between IEO and student success were evident in this sample. In addition, IEO scores were not significant predictors of student success rates.
Recommended Citation
McPherson, Michael, "A Correlational Study of the Relationships Between Individual Entrepreneurial Orientations of Community College Leaders and College Students’ Success" (2020). Doctor of Education (Ed.D). 61.