Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education


Department of Education

Primary Advisor

Dr. Karen Ingle

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Gollery

Third Advisor

Dr. Joshua Ziefle


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of empowering leadership on overall church health. This quantitative study evaluated data collected by Natural Church Development from Assemblies of God churches in the United States between 2006 and 2016. Examining results from 361 churches and 9,619 surveys, this research answered questions relating to the statistical significance of empowering leadership on overall church health, the statistical significance of empowering leadership as a predictive domain of church health, and the most statistically significant predictor of church health. The one sample t-test, binary logistic regression test statistic, and multiple linear regression test statistic were utilized in this quantitative study. The results of this study demonstrated that empowering leadership has a statistically significant impact on overall church health and that it, along with functional structures, forms the two greatest predictors of church health.
