Date of Award

Fall 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education


Department of Education

Primary Advisor

Dr. Julie Omodio-Griess

Second Advisor

Dr. Angela Tagaris

Third Advisor

Dr. Victoria Caruana


are responsible for providing opportunities to use learning strategies in the classroom. The students’ engagement shows an observable reflection of the educator's teaching practice. This qualitative case study highlights teachers' perceptions of student engagement in the urban elementary classroom. The research questions asked about teachers’ perceptions of student engagement and the contribution to student engagement. The research questions also asked about the resources and barriers to student engagement. The theory used for consideration was the bioecological framework by Urie Bronfenbrenner. The theory connected to the importance of systems' role in a child's growth and how they have a crucial impact on their development. The practical implications depicted in the findings were: (a) The critical effects of relationships on student engagement, (b) Building rapport with students and parents, (c) Knowing the students and families and what they need emotionally and academically to succeed, and (d) Providing the social-emotional and educational support families need. The researcher conducted this study in urban elementary schools in South Florida with general education teachers and academic coaches with five or more years of teaching experience. The qualitative case study included one-on-one virtual interview sessions through Microsoft Teams. The findings were categorized into four themes based on the results: Impact on Student Wellbeing, Address the Contributors of Student Engagement, Community Connection and Support, and Challenges.
