Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education


Department of Education

Primary Advisor

Dr. Karen Ingle

Second Advisor

Dr. Janet L. Deck

Third Advisor

Dr. Bob Griffith


Children in foster care face a myriad of challenges in educational development. Conducting a phenomenological study, the researcher interviewed eight foster parents licensed in the state of Florida regarding the educational experiences of children in foster care. From the holistic perspective the data set provided, the researcher described the educational experience of children in foster care using the five themes: challenges, meeting needs, deficiencies, support systems, and behaviors of foster parents. Though children in foster care face many challenges, community members such as foster parents and case managers work to meet the needs of children in care. However, because of the deficiencies in the system, not every need is met. Providing support to foster parents enables a greater number of needs to be met. Important behaviors of foster parents include advocacy and self-education. A greater level of wrap-around support for foster parents is necessary to adequately address the needs of children in foster care.
