Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education


Department of Education

Primary Advisor

Dr. Kenneth Stephens

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Gollery

Third Advisor

Dr. Lisa A. Coscia


Relationship education has been implemented by a diverse population of facilitators with a plethora of intentions. Religious relationship education typically focuses on the sanctity of marriage as a divine institution. The study focused on theological perceptions of marriage as moderators of relationship education and relationship satisfaction. Null hypotheses were that no statistically significant intervention effect would exist and that no statistically significant effect on the perceptions of marital relationships, or the perceptions of relationship satisfaction would exist. A quasi-experimental study design utilized a facilitator-led relationship education intervention with a sample population. Cluster sampling was used to establish the participant population. A researcher-designed survey was administered pre- and post-intervention. Data were recorded and analyzed to determine the results of the intervention. Cohen’s d was used to determine a huge effect size for the intervention (d = 2.92). The magnitude of effect for participant’s overall perceptions of the construct of marital relationships was large at d = .92 (Sawilowsky, 2009). Inner healing was found to be the element of the intervention with the largest intervention effect (d = 3.84). Results from the study indicate the overall effectiveness of relationship education on a religiously homogeneous sample. Religious institutions can both provide the benefit of religious relationship education for constituents, as well as benefit from the strengthening of marriages under their care.
