Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type



Counseling and Human Services


College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Primary Advisor

Dr. Erika Cuffy

Second Advisor

Dr. Scott Gaffney


Sex trafficking is an epidemic plaguing the world and is being fueled by the increasing demand for pornographic material. Awareness of trafficking is rising in America, however there is still a lack of information on the topic. This quantitative study seeks to gauge an understanding of college students’ knowledge of trafficking, pornography, and their interconnectedness. The research was conducted via an online survey sent out to students at Southeastern University. With 113 respondents, the findings of the study reveal that students feel a level of uncertainty surrounding the topic of trafficking and pornography. The students have not so much been misinformed, but rather they have been uninformed. Analysis of this study reveals a basis for the reformation of educational curriculum on both trafficking and pornography. Results of this study allude to a need for educational resources on what trafficking truly looks like, as well as how pornography holds an imperative role in the prevalence of trafficking.
