Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Emile Hawkins, Sr., DSL


The following PowerPoint includes content and information regarding leadership theory, its history, and its evolution. The presentation presents critical components and establishes an accepted view and definition of the term leadership. A framework is then provided to understand the progression of leadership theory and how Servant Leadership Theory emerged over time through the endeavors of Robert Greenleaf. Servant Leadership is credited to Robert Greenleaf as he is regarded as the founder who first published seminal work after being inspired by reading Herman Hesse’s novel Journey to the East. The presentation explains how Robert Greenleaf extracted many lessons and concepts from Hesse’s novel and developed the theory based on being a servant first rather than pursuing to be a leader. The presentation describes the core components of this theory and how servant leaders aspire to become the least to uplift and promote the good of others in and of organizations.

The presentation shares how Larry Spears continued the work of Robert Greenleaf and how he translated Greenleaf’s work into a model that personifies Servant Leadership through ten characteristics. Spears’ contribution has helped fortify the validity and effectiveness of this theory and provides more insight into how servants are, in fact, leaders. The presentation then offers three components believed to be critical to servant leaders: humility, empowerment, and a space for dialogue. Lastly, the presentation provides awareness that although Robert Greenleaf is credited as the founder, the elements and makeup of Servant Leadership can be found in the life of Jesus Christ. Biblical references and insights acknowledge Jesus as the ultimate servant leader and how Jesus has become the perfect embodiment of a servant leader. The presentation concludes with a promise from Jesus that greatness is for those who become the least amongst others, for those who become servant leaders.
