Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education


Department of Education

Primary Advisor

Dr. Sarah Yates

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Gollery

Third Advisor

Dr. Douglas K. Tanner


The purpose of this non-experimental and quantitative study was to evaluate the degree to which law enforcement officers perceive themselves as thriving. The sample for this study was convenient, non-probable, and purposive and comprised of 214 law enforcement officers from one large law enforcement agency in the State of Florida. The study’s researcher-constructed survey instrument was determined to be internally consistent and reliable. A one sample t-test was used to assess the statistical significance of study participant mean score response to perceptions of thriving and the results were statistically significant. The use of between-subjects analytic techniques was used to compare the effect exerted by the demographic identifier variables upon perceptions of thriving to show there was no statistically significant difference between gender, current job assignment, years of service, and education level. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) were used to correlate the seven dimensions with the perceptions of overall thriving. The seven dimensions were social support, administrative support, sense of purpose, spirituality, effective training, and physical well-being and all determined to be statistically significant. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to identify the two most prominent predictors of overall thriving as social support and effective training. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used on the two independent variables, personal thriving and professional thriving, to show personal thriving was slightly more robust in predicting overall thriving in law enforcement officers.
