
Where the Spirit of the Lord is...There is Freedom: Spirit-Baptism in Liberationist Perspective

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS)


College of Christian Ministries and Religion


Department of Christian Ministries and Religion

Primary Advisor

Kenneth J. Archer, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Zachary Tackett, Ph.D.


If Pentecostal Theology is to contribute to the construction of a comprehensive Black pneumatology, it will do so by framing Spirit-Baptism not only as a personal ecstatic experience for the purpose of empowered witness, but as an integral part of God's project of liberation among the oppressed of the world that simultaneously serves as a corrective to Christian believers who have failed to validate their faith by standing against systems of racism. This thesis will be engaged through an analysis of the historical development of Black Classical Pentecostalism, an analysis of the historical development of Black liberation theology, an analysis of Classical Pentecostal pneumatology, a survey of Black liberation pneumatology, a biblical and theological analysis of Spirit-Baptism, and a concluding integration of the two theologies with a proposal for further development.


Author birth year: 1987

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