Date of Award


Document Type


Primary Advisor

Dr. Christopher Fairchild


There has been a need for reform in accounting education at universities so that students can better understand the accounting material and also perform better in the workplace. Prior research has been conducted on the effectiveness on student performance for methods that move away from the traditional classroom format. While these methods include laboratories, cooperative learning, and online learning modules, no research has been done to assess the effectiveness of peer-facilitated workshops on accounting students’ performance. This thesis assesses the effectiveness of peer-facilitated workshops that focus on the accounting equation on student performance in a Principles of Financial Accounting course. Students had the option of attending up to seven peer-facilitated workshops that were held outside of normal class. The workshops took place between the first and second exams. Results indicated that students who attended at least four out of the seven workshops performed significantly better than students who did not attend the workshops for Exam two. These students, however, did not exhibit the same performance for the remainder of the course exams.
