Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Barnett College of Ministry & Theology


Department of Christian Ministries and Religion

Primary Advisor

Dr. J. Melvyn Ming

Second Advisor

Dr. Troy Jones

Third Advisor

Dr. Alan J. Ehler


Jesus gathered his disciples together and shared with them how the leaders of this world love to use their influence, power, and titles to rule over those they lead. Jesus told his disciples “among you it will be different” (Matt 20:26) compared to the leadership of the world. Jesus called his disciples to the Great Culture Commission, a call to servant leadership in which one uses their opportunities, gifts, and advantages to lift everyone else around them. This call creates a culture that propels the Great Commission while cultivating servant-hearted leadership. The intent of this dissertation is to discover the attributes and characteristics of a Great Culture Commission church that advances the Great Commission while living out the Great Culture Commission. This dissertation project studies the Great Culture Commission through a theological review, literature review, and a research project. The research project focuses on Canvas Church, which has intentionally attempted to create a Great Culture Commission Church while advancing the mission of God. The researcher interviews the staff of Canvas Church and extrapolates the strengths and growth areas of the church’s culture. The project concludes by establishing a clear picture of what a Great Culture Commission church looks like and identifying the strategies and principles that help lead pastors and other leaders create a healthy culture.
