Date of Award

Winter 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education

Primary Advisor

Dr. Patty LeBlanc

Second Advisor

Dr. Janet Deck

Third Advisor

Dr. Kevin Weaver


The purpose of this study was to explore the factors to which Black professional males attribute their persistence in education and their professional success. This qualitative case study is founded on the theoretical frameworks of attribution, growth mindset, and grit. The research participants were a criterion-based sample consisting of four Black male professionals who earned at least a bachelor’s degree and were employed full-time in their respective professions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with all participants to gather rich, detailed information about their experiences in both education and their professions. Data collected from interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed to determine emergent themes. Findings from this study suggest that having a growth mindset, coupled with grit, positive role models, and faith in God were significant attributes related to each research participant’s success in college and career.
