Date of Award

Fall 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education


Department of Education

Primary Advisor

Dr. Lisa Coscia

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Gollery


This non-experimental, quantitative study examined employee retention in rotational molding plastic manufacturing organizations by surveying machine operators and finishers in the industry. The researcher distributed a 30-question Likert survey in English and Spanish in rotational molding plastic manufacturing organizations across the United States to determine the factors that contribute to employee retention. This research study examined employee culture, job satisfaction, motivation, nature of work, and self-sacrifice as factors that contribute to employee retention in the rotational molding plastic manufacturing industry. The information from 210 surveys revealed a statistically significant response for study participant perceptions of employee job retention within the rotational molding plastic industry. Motivator factors statistically significantly predicted employee job retention, and job satisfaction was statistically significantly predictive of employee job retention. The purpose of this study is to assist employers as they make informed decisions and design ways to retain employees.
